The Story in Denmark


Newly arrived in Denmark, Matt and Natalie Herschberg, are AGWM Missionary Associates serving with campus ministries, Students for Christ. They recently helped host a short-term student team from the University of Minnesota in Duluth which came to serve over the spring break. This was in cooperation with KFS, a Danish community for students all over Denmark which holds and annual event called STORY.

Every morning students could have breakfast together and pray. Then small groups went to different university campuses to hand out flyers about that day's events. Every day at three different campuses, a guest speaker spoke at lunch and another spoke in the evening. All are prominent people in their profession who love Jesus. The speakers ranged from a PhD student, psychiatrist, vice president of human resources of an international company, a Danish millionaire business man, a professor at the Neils Bohr Institute, and more. In the evenings, they would meet in a coffee shop to hear the speaker. The goal was to invite students to think about faith in regards to their professional life, that they are not separate, and that you can be successful as a Christian. At the end of the event, a student would share something from the New Testament that related to the speaker. For those interested, several small groups were started from these for students to talk about faith in a more small group setting.


Many students were met at this effort which helped tremendously to build the presence of Students for Christ on the campuses. Many students didn’t know a faith-based community existed, let alone that they are welcome no matter what their religious background. From three to hundred plus attended each event.

The Herschbergs have seen a few new students come to other events as a result. This “STORY” event was preceded by prayer saturation of these campuses. God is at work on these campuses in Denmark.