The prayer that changed my life in Germany — Europe Missions

The prayer that changed my life in Germany

During a recent Pastors’ and Leaders’ Regional Meeting Rick Boettiger was excited to see Manuel, a youth leader on fire for God. Rick and Minna Boettiger, AGWM personnel in Germany relate this wonderful result of prayer.

“It was 15 years ago when Manuel attended our Retreat for Young Adults. He was discouraged, hopeless and searching for life’s purpose. One evening after a powerful sermon, Rick reached out to Manuel. Manuel knelt down on the carpeted conference floor. Rick laid his hands on him and prayed for him. A powerful prayer released the filling of the Holy Spirit – Manuel made a full turnaround for God that evening 15 years ago!”

During the Regional Meeting, Manuel shared with Rick, “Your prayers during our retreat CHANGED MY LIFE!” Both men cried for joy! Powerful things happen when we pray! Today Manuel is actively involved in ministry. He is married and has a beautiful baby daughter. The prayers being activated in God’s Kingdom changed everything.
