Spiritual Emphasis Week in the Czech Republic

Over 400 people gathered in the Jesenik mountains of northern Moravia in July for a spiritual emphasis week. Among those that gathered were 70 children. The spiritual emphasis week features preaching each evening from the leadership of the Czech Pentecostal movement, morning prayer at 7:30 am, followed by three hours of small groups/youth/children's meetings and five hours of prayer meetings in the afternoons.

During the program for children of the ages 4-11, the theme was that the God who made the universe cares for you....He protects you...He intercedes/teaches you to pray...He empowers you to live for him...He baptizes you...He helps you be a witness...etc. We are thankful for the churches of the Indiana District of the Assemblies of God who assisted us by helping to purchase supplies for the program. The children absolutely loved characters like the space monkey puppet "Joey". Some of the smaller children even started bringing bananas to share with him by the end of the week. The older children loved the video the team shot for the program and things like the ship's "science officer" who explained the Bible using experiments as object lessons. The most important thing is that the children learned to trust God with their lives. This was evident as many of them came forward each day during the prayer time to talk with God in prayer.

From newsletter of Jason Morrison AGWM personnel in the Czech Republic

image002.jpgOver 400 people gathered in the Jesenik mountains of northern Moravia in July for a spiritual emphasis week. Among those that gathered were 70 children. The spiritual emphasis week features preaching each evening from the leadership of the Czech Pentecostal movement, morning prayer at 7:30 am, followed by three hours of small groups/youth/children's meetings and five hours of prayer meetings in the afternoons.

During the program for children of the ages 4-11, the theme was that the God who made the universe cares for you....He protects you...He intercedes/teaches you to pray...He empowers you to live for him...He baptizes you...He helps you be a witness...etc. We are thankful for the churches of the Indiana District of the Assemblies of God who assisted us by helping to purchase supplies for the program. The children absolutely loved characters like the space monkey puppet "Joey". Some of the smaller children even started bringing bananas to share with him by the end of the week. The older children loved the video the team shot for the program and things like the ship's "science officer" who explained the Bible using experiments as object lessons.

The most important thing is that the children learned to trust God with their lives. This was evident as many of them came forward each day during the prayer time to talk with God in prayer.

From newsletter of Jason Morrison
AGWM personnel in the Czech Republic