Twenty two new believers were baptized recently from the church in Sol’. AGWM Personnel, John Bean, preached the baptismal service in the Roma church. Although some predicted that the Roma revival would be short-lived and would not have much effect, a mighty move of God is still apparent among this marginalized people group with a fervent hunger to know God at a deeper level. Sadly, there are hundreds of villages yet to be reached and not enough labors to reach them. The Slovak Mayor in the city of Sol' came to the Beans Bible/English class which they teach for the Roma children. The mayor came to meet and thank them for working with the Roma children of his city. God at work is evident amongst the Roma.
The Beans visited the village of Jakubovany for the first time. This village has 3,000 Roma! In the past, it has been a very violent village. Also, it has some of the worst living conditions the Beans have witnessed yet among the Roma. There are approximately 40 people in the village who are believers. They are planning to start an outreach and discipleship ministry in the Fall.
Twenty two new believers were baptized recently from the church in Sol’. AGWM Personnel, John Bean, preached the baptismal service in the Roma church. Although some predicted that the Roma revival would be short-lived and would not have much effect, a mighty move of God is still apparent among this marginalized people group with a fervent hunger to know God at a deeper level. Sadly, there are hundreds of villages yet to be reached and not enough labors to reach them.
The Slovak Mayor in the city of Sol' came to the Beans Bible/English class which they teach for the Roma children. The mayor came to meet and thank them for working with the Roma children of his city. God at work is evident amongst the Roma.
The Beans visited the village of Jakubovany for the first time. This village has 3,000 Roma! In the past, it has been a very violent village. Also, it has some of the worst living conditions the Beans have witnessed yet among the Roma. There are approximately 40 people in the village who are believers. They are planning to start an outreach and discipleship ministry in the Fall.