Ordinary People, Extraordinary Examples - Spain

The evangelists who share the good news of Jesus in the "ON THE RED BOX" ministry in Madrid are just ordinary people who have experienced salvation and have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Yes, they are ordinary, but their lives are a source of extraordinary examples of people committed to Jesus. They are participating in his mission to reach the world and rescue lives from the bondage of sin.

photo_1.jpegThe evangelists who share the good news of Jesus in the "ON THE RED BOX" ministry in Madrid are just ordinary people who have experienced salvation and have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.  Yes, they are ordinary, but their lives are a source of extraordinary examples of people committed to Jesus.  They are participating in his mission to reach the world and rescue lives from the bondage of sin.

One of these extraordinary examples is Mirjam.  She displays bravery.  She chose to share her Christ encounter by giving her testimony standing on the red box in the open air evangelistic outreach.  Her bravery was shown in that she knew her coworkers were within earshot.  Mirjam shares her faith daily with customers and coworkers.

photo_4.jpegFlor's life is an example of growth in her faith.  The first time she gave her testimony on the red box, she had to be begged to do it.  But now, she does it with grace and anointing.  She is presently learning to be led by the Holy Spirit in preaching and in one on one conversations about Jesus.

David is an example of great passion.  He preaches his heart out every time he gets on the box.  He is so willing.  Christians and non-Christians alike are touched by his charismatic yet genuine way of presenting the gospel! David will be returning to Peru soon to be with his wife and two daughters.
Alejandra portrays obedience.  She came to be an intern at "On the Red Box" completely by faith as she had no money.  She said 'no' to a very good job offer in Mexico.  God honored her obedience to Him.  He not only moved in her life in unexpected ways, deepened her relationship with him and trained her in evangelism, but he also provided a better job to return to, ministry opportunities, and an open door to talk to her family about Christ.  She is now a light for truth in Mexico.

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