Outreach in Vienna's "Central Park"

The first Sunday in June, Vienna Christian Center (VCC) conducted a citywide outreach day in Donauturm Park in Vienna that was called "I Love My City." Donauturm Park is the location of the Donau Tower and is one of the most popular parks in the city. Never before in Austria's history has a single evangelical church been granted the permits allowing such an open air evangelistic event. Some 2600 people were in attendance. The thrilling result was that several committed their lives to Christ.

VCC is a church which has nine services in eight different languages every weekend. Three times a year ALL these groups come together for a unity Celebration Service. This Celebration in the park was the first time in eight years that ALL of VCC has been able to be together in one service. Our theme was ONE - one church, one day, one place, one service - but most importantly one voice declaring the praises of God openly in a public park.

VCC is a part of the Frei Christian Gemeinde (the Free Church) in Austria. After decades of praying and waiting, the Frei Christian Gemeinde, for the first time ever, received FULL church recognition by the Austrian government in 2013. What a miracle! This miracle now provides VCC the right and opportunity to have outdoor events and outreaches that could never have happened before. Over the last year, there has been an awakening among Christians and churches in Austria as they have come together to conduct outdoor unity building events. It’s just the beginning of a revitalization movement and spiritual awakening in Austria. The March for Jesus event in September of 2014 attracted over 12,000 Christians from all across the nation. The Christustag March in Linz drew another 8,000 in May, 2015.

VCC is thankful to be a part of what God is doing and continues to pray for every church and every believer to celebrate the freedom to worship God and share faith with those who need Him most. This is a triumph for the gospel in Austria!

image006.jpgThe first Sunday in June, Vienna Christian Center (VCC) conducted a citywide outreach day in Donauturm Park in Vienna that was called "I Love My City."

Donauturm Park is the location of the Donau Tower and is one of the most popular parks in the city. Never before in Austria's history has a single evangelical church been granted the permits allowing such an open air evangelistic event. Some 2600 people were in attendance. The thrilling result was that several committed their lives to Christ.

VCC is a church which has nine services in eight different languages every weekend. Three times a year ALL these groups come together for a unity Celebration Service. This Celebration in the park was the first time in eight years that ALL of VCC has been able to be together in one service. Our theme was ONE - one church, one day, one place, one service - but most importantly one voice declaring the praises of God openly in a public park.

VCC is a part of the Frei Christian Gemeinde (the Free Church) in Austria. After decades of praying and waiting, the Frei Christian Gemeinde, for the first time ever, received FULL church recognition by the Austrian government in 2013. What a miracle! This miracle now provides VCC the right and opportunity to have outdoor events and outreaches that could never have happened before. Over the last year, there has been an awakening among Christians and churches in Austria as they have come together to conduct outdoor unity building events. It’s just the beginning of a revitalization movement and spiritual awakening in Austria. The March for Jesus event in September of 2014 attracted over 12,000 Christians from all across the nation. The Christustag March in Linz drew another 8,000 in May, 2015.

VCC is thankful to be a part of what God is doing and continues to pray for every church and every believer to celebrate the freedom to worship God and share faith with those who need Him most. This is a triumph for the gospel in Austria!