Outreach in Mornant, France — Europe Missions

Outreach in Mornant, France

To plant a church where there is no church we had a bus, a team, a town…and GOD! Ed Buck, AGWM Personnel in France, relates that “In April, we took ‘Ze Bus’ with a team to Mornant, a town in southern France. ‘Ze Bus’ is a bus converted into a café for coffeehouse ministry. The team included an evangelist, a pastor, some local believers, and a missionary (me). And God helped us. Each day began with worship, prayer, and practical training in evangelism. Then we went out by twos into the town to share with anyone who was willing to talk. Some were interested, but had no time, so we invited them to stop by the bus that evening. Each evening, we gathered at ‘Ze Bus’ to share the good news of salvation with those who stopped by, and then we prayed for the people we met and the prayer requests that we received.

On Thursday evening, Saturday evening and Sunday morning, about 30 to 35 people came to an evangelistic service in a rented meeting room. By the end of the week we had faith-building conversations with over 300 people, not counting those who turned away! Half of them requested prayer for serious needs, and many told us we were the first Christians that they had ever met. Light conversations often led quickly to deep discussions about loneliness and our need for God.

Now, about 15 people meet twice a month to study God’s Word. We are praying for this town of Mornant, that the seeds planted will produce a vibrant church.

Buck-ze_bus.jpgTo plant a church where there is no church we had a bus, a team, a town…and GOD! Ed Buck, AGWM Personnel in France, relates that “In April, we took ‘Ze Bus’ with a team to Mornant, a town in southern France. ‘Ze Bus’ is a bus converted into a café for coffeehouse ministry. The team included an evangelist, a pastor, some local believers, and a missionary (me). And God helped us.

Each day began with worship, prayer, and practical training in evangelism. Then we went out by twos into the town to share with anyone who was willing to talk. Some were interested, but had no time, so we invited them to stop by the bus that evening. Each evening, we gathered at ‘Ze Bus’ to share the good news of salvation with those who stopped by, and then we prayed for the people we met and the prayer requests that we received.

Buck-mornant.jpgOn Thursday evening, Saturday evening and Sunday morning, about 30 to 35 people came to an evangelistic service in a rented meeting room. By the end of the week we had faith-building conversations with over 300 people, not counting those who turned away! Half of them requested prayer for serious needs, and many told us we were the first Christians that they had ever met. Light conversations often led quickly to deep discussions about loneliness and our need for God.

Now, about 15 people meet twice a month to study God’s Word. We are praying for this town of Mornant, that the seeds planted will produce a vibrant church.
