Gospel on YouTube in France

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Henry and Karen Linderman, AGWM personnel in France, share this exciting news of salvations through their posting French sermons on You Tuber. “God is reaching more and more people through our YouTube French sermon outreach. As of today we have 5,651 regular subscribers and 1,647,655 views. In just the last few weeks we baptized 8 people who had given their lives to Jesus through listening and watching on their computers, even before contacting us and coming into the church.

“Cou Sine, of Cambodian origin, began listening to our sermons and sharing them with her husband. They were both baptized in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues and contacted us to share their joy. We were able to direct them to the Assemblies of God church in Châteaudun, France, where they will soon be baptized in water.

“Christian Hertz, a French-man living in Sweden, was attending church but didn’t understand that he had to get all sin out of his life. After listening to our messages he fully repented and later called, wanting to be baptized in the Holy Spirit. I prayed with him over the phone, and a half hour later he called back to say he was speaking in tongues. Now he has asked permission to translate our sermons into Swedish, gathering Facebook friends to tell of what Christ has done in his life, and to share our sermons with them.”