In 1992 missionary Rick Cunningham awoke from a dream in which he was teaching in a language he had never heard. God used that dream to call him and his wife Jan from Spain to Romania. In their first exploratory trip to Romania, the Cunninghams discovered the shocking reality that book translations had been outlawed under Communist rule, resulting in few available resources in the Romanian language. As developers of training materials in Spain, Rick and Jan felt the Holy Spirit impress them—“What you have done in Spain is tremendously needed here.” That felt need confirmed their call to move to Romania, but neither of them could have anticipated what would happen there.
That Sinking Feeling
With a robust inquiry, she asked, “Are you okay?” I quickly replied with some apprehension in my voice, “Yes, dear, I am fine...but our Speed the Light car is in the middle of the Danube River.” The questions gushed like a freshly opened fire hydrant. “Are you okay? What happened? Did you get your computer out? What about your suitcase?”
Reaching the Needy in Romania
A huge part of our mission is to love our community holistically, meaning we want to show Christ’s love by attending to the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs of our community. We have been meeting at our own ‘CAFÉ’ always with the plan of finding a permanent space, another dream that seemed distant. But our God is a God of miracles!
Launching of ABQ (Adolescent Bible Quiz) in Romania
For several years now JBQ (Junior Bible Quiz) has grown significantly throughout the country of Romania. JBQ, a discipleship program where kids hide God's Word in their hearts, has been used by many churches throughout Romania. Over time, however, the Kidz Romania team encountered a were growing up and now begging to stay in the program and so asked if the maximum age limit could be expanded. What a nice problem to have! AGWM Personnel, Tamara Henkes, further explains, “Although our camps were designed for 7 to 12 year olds, teens up to 18 years of age were attending. We also realized that as the kids attended camps year after year, and as the questions for Junior Bible Quiz were the same, they already had memorized the answers. So we then realized that the material needed to be advanced to allow for more of a challenge to the adolescents. We adapted the US version of Bible Quiz for teens and created ABQ (Adolescent Bible Quiz) where the adolescents now memorize an entire section of scripture and come up with answers on their own to questions regarding the scripture they memorized. For example, in Round 1 the adolescents memorized all of Acts 2 and in Round 2 they are currently memorizing all of Acts 4. Since the launch of this program last fall, we have seen an increased enthusiasm and excitement in our adolescents to get into God's Word.”
For several years now JBQ (Junior Bible Quiz) has grown significantly throughout the country of Romania. JBQ, a discipleship program where kids hide God's Word in their hearts, has been used by many churches throughout Romania. Over time, however, the Kidz Romania team encountered a were growing up and now begging to stay in the program and so asked if the maximum age limit could be expanded. What a nice problem to have!
AGWM Personnel, Tamara Henkes, further explains, “Although our camps were designed for 7 to 12 year olds, teens up to 18 years of age were attending. We also realized that as the kids attended camps year after year, and as the questions for Junior Bible Quiz were the same, they already had memorized the answers. So we then realized that the material needed to be advanced to allow for more of a challenge to the adolescents. We adapted the US version of Bible Quiz for
teens and created ABQ (Adolescent Bible Quiz) where the adolescents now memorize an entire section of scripture and come up with answers on their own to questions regarding the scripture they memorized. For example, in Round 1 the adolescents memorized all of Acts 2 and in Round 2 they are currently memorizing all of Acts 4. Since the launch of this program last fall, we have seen an increased enthusiasm and excitement in our adolescents to get into God's Word.”