The Power of Prayer

Dear readers, this short story is not directly related to the current events that have rocked our entire world but we pray that it will bring you hope to continue having faith amidst this trying time. Like the story mentions, it is our hope that you will be like the persistent widow and continue to ask for whatever it is you may be praying for. God is doing incredible things across the world and we hope you will join the movement . . . 


Does God always heal? Isn’t it his will to heal people? For so long, my wife and I have given God an “out”. It’s okay if the miracle didn’t come through; obviously he has a better plan. Yet, what happens when we are told to be like the persistent widow and continue to ask? Such was the case with a baby in our church community. 

We are continually being challenged on our boldness in prayer. We are currently serving in the role of family pastors at a church in Stuttgart. Our church in Germany is mainly full of Americans associated with the U.S. military. We have a couple that just had their third child who was born deaf in one ear. He was hooked up to machines monitoring brain activity with zero results. The news crushed his parents and they began to battle with “God’s will”. 

We noticed that this family seemed to be in desperation. It was like the Holy Spirit was pushing us to trust more deeply in him. We boldly prayed with the parents and believed God would heal this baby. We didn’t just pray but we verbally confirmed that God would heal the baby. He wasn’t healed immediately and weeks were passing by . . . We had a choice to make, do we give up or continue believing in faith and asking for God to heal him? We chose to continue praying and believe in this baby’s miracle, despite the circumstances so far.

In the weeks that followed the mother said that in every disappointing doctor visit our words of healing stayed with her. Weeks later, the doctors are baffled as he has 95% of his hearing in that ear! The impossible and unexplainable has now become reality because, along with our church, we trusted in God’s power and didn’t give up! Such is the power of prayer!