The Struggle is Real, But so is God

It was on my 2nd itineration -- yes, my 2nd itineration -- that I finally realized that God truly is my Provider. Once again I found myself allowing the fear of not raising enough support overtake me as I dredged forward in my 2nd itineration after living in Barcelona for 2 years. Within the 1st week, I met with one of my friends/supporters who had an excellent, well-paying Finance job for years.

Our chat began with conversation about retirement and long-term savings, and it became very clear that she is "set-up" well! There should be no reason she should fear the future or worry about losing her financial security. But then, the conversation turned. She began to share with me about her recent job change to a position she had always wanted, to become a high school principal.


All of my thoughts of financial insecurity and wrestling with trusting God's provision suddenly began to race out of her mouth. That's when it hit me, EVERYONE struggles with these thoughts. Everyone has to make a decision to truly trust that God is who He says He is, Jehovah-Jireh, "The Lord Will Provide." Everyone has to come to the point where they decide to lean on Him with child-like faith and dependance. From that point on after talking with my friend something clicked in my soul. To this day, I have never doubted His provision again.

Piece of advice, learn that lesson as soon as possible! You'll be confronted with it your entire life until you do.

*This post is from our monthly e-newsletter, Join the Movement. If you are interested to serve for 1-2 years as a Missionary Associate, please go to or email for more information.