Europe Missions

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Mustard Seed Miracles in Belgium

God takes “mustard seed” beginnings and turns them into Kingdom-sized miracles with no end to the long-lasting impact in sight! Take this one! Pierre (name changed) came to faith in Christ in the USA through an exchange program. His youth pastor clued Blair Bonin, AGWM Personnel working on the university campuses of Europe, of Pierre’s return to Belgium and his “coincidental” enrollment on the campus there. After his arrival, they began to meet, Pierre got involved in Students for Christ-Belgium, and his faith began to show through his changed life. His agnostic brother eventually became intrigued to the point of announcing that he has now been praying for about a month, and he “might even come with[Pierre] to SFC in the future.”

And this...Mélanie’s lifestyle of Christ so impacted and called into question the lack of belief in her sister Anne-Sophie, that she began asking questions of Mélanie. The seed of faith began growing in Anne-Sophie as well, and she later attended the SFC summer Connect conference. A recent email from Anne-Sophie asked for direction because she is so hungry for more of God and wants to know how to “study the Bible, get to know other Christians, serve God in a church, work for Him”! She is also inquiring into attending a Bible college this next academic year. Mustard seed stuff...from tiny beginnings to world-wide size!

How about this….Bonin relates, “It was one of those delightfully surprised feelings washing over us after seeing Jérôme’s recent baptism photos. I had only talked with him once or twice in Liège, where he studied, but his spiritual hunger was almost palpable. Charles Gravely, our missionary associate at the time, was instrumental in planting and watering seeds of faith in Jérôme’s life. When Charles left Liège, we couldn’t foresee God’s orchestration for Jérôme, but the Spirit had things covered, for recently we learned that Jérôme is now attending a church planted by a group of former student leaders in Liège.”

Such testimonies to God’s power to change lives is seen across the campuses of Europe. Students are coming to Christ.

God takes “mustard seed” beginnings and turns them into Kingdom-sized miracles with no end to the long-lasting impact in sight!

Mail_Attachment-1.jpegTake this one!  Pierre (name changed) came to faith in Christ in the USA through an exchange program. His youth pastor clued Blair Bonin, AGWM Personnel working on the university campuses of Europe,  of Pierre’s return to Belgium and his “coincidental” enrollment on the campus there. After his arrival, they began to meet, Pierre got involved in Students for Christ-Belgium, and his faith began to show through his changed life. His agnostic brother eventually became intrigued to the point of announcing that he has now been praying for about a month, and he “might even come with[Pierre] to SFC in the future.”
And this...Mélanie’s lifestyle of Christ so impacted and called into question the lack of belief in her sister Anne-Sophie, that she began asking questions of Mélanie. The seed of faith began growing in Anne-Sophie as well, and she later attended the SFC summer Connect conference.  A recent email from Anne-Sophie asked for direction because she is so hungry for more of God and wants to know how to “study the Bible, get to know other Christians, serve God in a church, work for Him”!  She is also inquiring into attending a Bible college this next academic year. Mustard seed stuff...from tiny beginnings to world-wide size!
Mail_Attachment.jpegHow about this….Bonin relates, “It was one of those delightfully surprised feelings washing over us after seeing Jérôme’s recent baptism photos. I had only talked with him once or twice in Liège, where he studied, but his spiritual hunger was almost palpable. Charles Gravely, our missionary associate at the time, was instrumental in planting and watering seeds of faith in Jérôme’s life. When Charles left Liège, we couldn’t foresee God’s orchestration for Jérôme, but the Spirit had things covered, for recently we learned that Jérôme is now attending a church planted by a group of former student leaders in Liège.”
Such testimonies to God’s power to change lives is seen across the campuses of Europe.   Students are coming to Christ.