Europe Missions

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The Bridge - France

The Bridge International Church in Paris, France held an event which they call “Open Doors” in early Fall. In preparation for that, a team gave invitations to people returning to Paris from summer holidays or arriving in the city for the first time. This was done at various metro subway stations in Paris, distributing invitations to people who were on their way to work. They also gave out balloons and invitations on a Saturday at a park.

404162_10151255817917176_208036445_n.jpgThe Bridge International Church in Paris, France held an event which they call “Open Doors” in early Fall.  In preparation for that, a team gave invitations to people returning to Paris from summer holidays or arriving in the city for the first time.  This was done at various metro subway stations in Paris, distributing invitations to people who were on their way to work.  They also gave out balloons and invitations on a Saturday at a park.
“Open Doors” was a great success as many first-time visitors attended the service.  They wee introduced to the people and ministry of the The Bridge International Church.  Coffee time is always a hit after the Sunday service.  It gives a great opportunity for fellowship, to meet newcomers, and to get better acquainted with each other.

254518_438636326194819_2028868819_n.jpgAt least once during every season, The Bridge has what is called a “Q-Sunday”.  People can send in their questions regarding the Bible and the Christian life.  The responses are prepared and presented to the congregation at a Sunday service.
There was also a Fall preaching series entitled “Surviving the Seven Deadly Sins”.  This gave the congregation a lot of personal and practical challenges.  Peope are being reached and are hearing the good news of the Gospel through the ministry of The Bridge International Church.


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