Church Planting Highlights from Germany
AGWM Personnel in Germany, Mike Tyler tells of many ways the Lord is workingin lives and bringing them into fellowship with himself and believers in church plants. Lukas (18) invited his buddy Florian (19) to come to church. His response was, "I'd rather die than go to church." But the conversation was started, and a few weeks later Florian did come to church. He loved the community, and the fellowship, and came back a second time. On the second visit, Florian invited Jesus to be the Lord of his life!
On Mother's Day. Tyler was invited to preach an evangelistic service for a church which meets in a 700 year old castle just south of Dresden. Antonia (17) and Andreas (26) both attended church for the first time in their lives that morning. They both heard a message about the Prodigal Son - and both came running back to our heavenly father!
Tessa (mid 30s) works for a Taxi company. She heard that Wolfgang, one of their drivers, was a follower of Jesus. Wolfgang mentioned our church plant in Marktredwitz to her,and she invited herself to a service. After her second visit, she invited Jesus to be Lord of her life!
Andrea (mid 60s) spent her entire life going to church every week. She understood religion, but she'd never truly understood what it meant to have a personal relationship with Jesus. But she does now! She and two other women gave their lives to Christ on the same night in our Marktredwitz church plant.
AGWM Personnel in Germany, Mike Tyler tells of many ways the Lord is working in lives and bringing them into fellowship with himself and believers in church plants. Lukas (18) invited his buddy Florian (19) to come to church. His response was, "I'd rather die than go to church." But the conversation was started, and a few weeks later Florian did come to church. He loved the community, and the fellowship, and came back a second time.
On the second visit, Florian invited Jesus to be the Lord of his life! On Mother's Day. Tyler was invited to preach an evangelistic service for a church which meets in a 700 year old castle just south of Dresden.
Antonia (17) and Andreas (26) both attended church for the first time in their lives that morning. They both heard a message about the Prodigal Son - and both came running back to our heavenly father! Tessa (mid 30s) works for a Taxi company. She heard that Wolfgang, one of their drivers, was a follower of Jesus. Wolfgang mentioned our church plant in Marktredwitz to her,and she invited herself to a service. After her second visit, she invited Jesus to be Lord of her life!
Andrea (mid 60s) spent her entire life going to church every week. She understood religion, but she'd never truly understood what it meant to have a personal relationship with Jesus. But she does now! She and two other women gave their lives to Christ on the same night in our Marktredwitz church plant.