The Light We Carry | Join the Movement | Edition 30
*Shelby works with Students for Christ (SFC) which is similar to Chi Alpha (XA) in the US, a university outreach organization.*
As I witness lives being transformed, the cost continues to seem smaller and smaller. Who was I to keep the good news I received on Iowa State’s campus to myself? I was reminded recently why He has broken my heart for Europe and the call in which we all carry to be a light in the darkness.
A few weeks ago, I had one of our SFC girls tell me, "You probably don’t realize from being surrounded by light in XA and etc how much light you carry, but that’s not something I had ever seen in Europe (because all she’s witnessed is darkness) and if you didn’t come then I or people who are meeting you now may have never experienced it.” She went on to tell me from being a witness of Jesus in my life and in our SFC team that she has received that “light." She feels a call to take it with her to everyone she meets as well.
Walking in obedience with Jesus could not be sweeter! I feel so honored to partner with Him, taking His light and love to those who have had not witnessed it before.
Let's pray into Luke 10:2, "He told them, 'The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field..."
If you are interested to carry your light to Europe please email our pipeline rep at: