Europe Missions

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Hidden People on the Street

The number of people trafficked into Europe is staggering. While some men are trafficked for forced labor, most victims are women and girls targeted for sexual exploitation. Coerced from Africa, Eastern Europe, and South America, these women are forced into prostitution throughout Europe, including places like Angers, France, where missionaries Joy Krajicek and Lisa Russi work with Project Rescue France.

Joy and Lisa work with men and women in prostitution and spend time on the streets distributing coffee and tea, offering help and prayer, and sharing Jesus. With the number of trafficking victims growing worldwide, they know their work must reach farther if they hope to make a measurable difference. Since beginning this work five years ago, Joy and Lisa have engaged local churches, igniting interest and participation from the French national church.

As Joy and Lisa host training sessions and outreaches, more French Christians catch the vision and take on the responsibility of bringing Jesus to the situation on their doorsteps. “The local church is being inspired to reach the hidden people on the streets of their cities,” explains Joy. “We are seeing open doors to launch other outreaches in other cities because the local churches are understanding the circumstances and the needs of people trapped in prostitution.”

In this type of ministry, results can be slow. Peeling back the layers of bondage and emotional damage in these vulnerable people can be difficult. Sometimes it takes months for someone to open up to the idea of receiving personal prayer. Through consistent time on the streets, Joy and Lisa have built rapport with people, as they did with one South American woman who was a self-proclaimed atheist. She appreciated their kindness and accepted the hot beverage they offered but did not want to pray. Now, eight months later, she regularly asks for prayer and has a completely different view of God and faith.

As ministry continues and more national churches continue to implement outreach ideas, Joy and Lisa hope many more victims of trafficking will no longer be hidden but will come to light, taking steps toward Christ and finding physical, emotional, and spiritual freedom.